lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

Common CRM Features and Capabilities


Marketing is the heart of every successful business. The best way to gain a competitive edge over others in your industry is with effective customer service management ( CRM ) software. Being able to find, attract, and retain customers is the most important yet most difficult aspect of operating a business. Finding the right  CRM  software makes this daunting task easier.

Popular  CRM  software such as  CRM  Sugar has all the  CRM  tools needed to effectively maintain and grow your marketing, customer service, and technical support abilities within your company.

Here are some of the many things software such as Sugar  CRM  can do for you:

- Integrate and synchronize all departments within your company so that all de-partments have the same important information available to them.

- Seek and store information about each customer or potential client for future effective marketing or service efforts.

- Provide secure, web-based service and support.

- Enhance relationships with current customers by providing a wide range of online  CRM  tools and service or sales specialists.

-  CRM  helps to "get inside the client"s head" and provide them with the product or service that they really need or want.  CRM  takes the guess work out of marketing.

There are several different types of  CRM  software, such as:

Sales Force Automation (SFA) - a version of  CRM  software that makes the sales process easier. Often, helpful information can be uncovered by SFA such as opportunities, territories, sales forecasts and workflow automation, quote generation, and product knowledge. More potential customers can be found and pursued in a shorter amount of time with SFA.

Marketing -  CRM  tools geared toward marketing help to find and pursue potential customers by means of qualified leads. It manages various marketing campaigns such as email, phone, direct mail, social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc) and search engine-based campaigns. Clicks (PPC campaigns), response rates, leads, deals, and revenue can be monitored with a marketing  CRM  system.

Customer Service and Support - The difference between a successful and unsuccessful company often lies in its level of customer support. No customer is going to continue giving their hard earned money to a company who has poor customer service. A  CRM  system focusing on customer service and support gives all employees of a company the tools and resources they need to solve customer issues. Intelligent call routing, computer telephone integration (CTI), and escalation capabilities make this possible. In addition, the goal of customer service oriented  CRM  is to reduce costs and increase efficiency among employees.

In a nutshell,  CRM  software solutions such as Sugar  CRM  provide viable and affordable solutions that help companies in basically every way imaginable.


Source by Wayne Hemrick

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