martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

North American Union - A Benefit to Americans


     There has been a lot of conspiracy theories circulating around the globe about a possible formation of the North American Union (NAU) with the US, Canada, and Mexico. When a person in any of these three countries first hears about this theory, they most likely will laugh and call it a conspiracy theory. If this belief of a possible formation of the NAU was a conspiracy theory, than why have numerous congressmen, scholars, and constitutional lawyers shown via media outlets their disdain for this formation? American"s always believes that professional people in the field of politics and academic research must be telling the truth. Then why is it not possible for the three countries to be in the process of forming a union. 

     If you take a look back in history you will find that citizens across Europe laughed at the idea of a European Union (EU), and then the EU happened. The European people were surprised by the formation of the EU, there new currency, and showed resistance via marches and protests, but they were also made aware of it long before it happened. A North American Union may be just what this country needs to stay competitive with the EU. American is not taking the formation of the NAU seriously and still are not, just like the citizens in Europe did. A formation between the three countries may be just what this country needs to stay competitive with the EU. Here are two agreements already established between the three countries that have started the creation of the new NAU.

     The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was not a new concept before it was established. NAFTA was planned years before President Clinton took office, he just happened to be in office when it was established. NAFTA was intended to remove the restrictions of trade between Mexico, Canada and   America  and allow the free flow of goods. The establishment of NAFTA did accomplish the lifting of trade restrictions but there were also many hidden reasons for NAFTA. The first was to test the waters and see if the three countries could successfully establish a union and watch the reaction of the people of all three countries. There was some resistance from the people of the three countries but not enough to hinder NAFTA"s success. The second reason to establish NAFTA was to find cheaper labor. Once NAFTA was officially established American companies ran to Mexico to find cheap labor and they found it. The percentage of goods made in Mexico is small in comparison to China but the cost of production is cheaper and shipping is greatly decreased from Mexico to  America  and Canada. The third reason for NAFTA was to increase profits for American companies.   NAFTA is a big win for American companies but a major lose for American citizens.

     Now that NAFTA was a success, the three governments could work on the next big project, the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP). Most American citizens have already forgotten

September 11th and most don"t even want to talk about it. There are also individuals that believe that 9-11 was an inside job by the US government agencies. What you choose to believe is entirely for choice, but this historical act did accomplish one thing for the governments of Canada, Mexico, and  America ; it opened the doors for the unwritten agreement of the SPP. The purpose for the SPP is to increase the sharing of intelligence between the three countries and to protect the countries for any more acts of terrorism. Numerous Republicans and few Democrats have shown concern that the SPP and NAFTA are only the beginnings to the establishment of the North American Union (NAU) that is similar to the EU. Whether the concerns of political leaders are correct or not, no one really knows. However, the pattern of information being slowly released in the three countries that make up the North American continent is the same pattern that was released to the European countries before the official establishment of the EU.

     As of March 1st 2009, the new Democrat elected US President and the Democrat controlled government has first, agreed to pass the stimulus package amounting to $790 billion dollars. Add this amount to the outgoing President Bush"s  bank  and auto bailout bill of $750 billion dollars adds to our current deficit totaling $11 trillion dollar. Add Obama"s budget of $3.9 trillion dollars for 2009, the US debt will be $14 trillion dollars. And don"t forget the $3.9 billion dollars per day that the US government has to borrow to stay afloat each day.  America  cannot afford this debt during a recession or a depression, even on our better days. Economists across the globe are agreeing that the US will be bankrupt very soon. And the majority of the economists expect that by the start of 2010 the US will be experiencing an economic meltdown.

     Once this meltdown has occurred, it will give way to the newly established NAU. The government will do what it does best, convince the American people by instilling fear that if we want to continue to survive as a nation, the US, Canada, and Mexico will have to join together as an official union to stay competitive with the global economy. The US dollar will be worth maybe 10 cents and the only way that the American people can keep their wealth is to agree to accept the new Amero currency, if they chose to not accept the new currency, there wealth will be gone. According to several well established news organizations, the US Mint has already started to produce the new currency and has been since 2007.

     I must note there are many individuals in the US that are skeptics of the possible formation of the NAU. However, through many months of gathering information on the subject of the NAU, the US bankruptcy, and the new Amero currency, I have gathered all information from studying scholarly writings, news reports, and government documentation. The reader does not have to be a PhD educated individual to see the pattern forming that will lead to a new United States  of  America . Also, keep in mind that when his new union takes place, Americans will be better off than the current economic state.


Source by Erik Greer

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