jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2016

America - The Advanced Course in Citizenship - Sign Up Now




America is advanced citizenship, and you have to want it really badly. How badly do you want it? Folks, we are God in physical form having an Earth adventure. We are participating in the greatest experiment in Democracy ever, America. The outcome is not shaped nor decided; it can go any way we choose. What we experience is 100% our creation.

But first, we - each of us - has to remember Who We Really Are! We are the powerful Spirit in earth form; what we choose to focus our Source Energy on, is what we will create individually, and collectively. If you think you are mere mortal, and "they" know better, then let me "THAWP YOU UPSIDE THE HEAD." Get a grip! If we are paying attention, we always KNOW the Truth.

When the Savings and Loans were making loans that were not prudent back in the mid 1980"s, I was in the mortgage lending industry and actually witnessed some of these loans being made. At the time, I was a novice, but these lending practices didn"t make sense to me. It felt wrong. I went away from two separate loans scratching my head and saying to myself, "Why would we make loans that didn"t make any sense?"

The answer is: Because it was greed, and group think. Everyone was on the Real Estate Bandwagon and common sense was thrown out the window for walking off the cliff. Just because you graduated from high school doesn"t mean group think doesn"t still exist. That is human-mind and lackful thinking in action. It felt wrong to me, and it was. But because i was convinced that I was a novice and didn"t "understand", I accepted their premise that this was "what is done."

This was my clue, that what I was intuiting, was correct. I wasn"t misguided, naive or didn"t understand, as I was told. In fact, I did understand. Two years later, of course, the Resolution Trust was formed to bail out the Savings and Loans. My Internal Guidance Systems was working just fine.

In more recent history I kept noticing that the people I knew were getting "poorer". That is to say, I kept wondering how in the world could the stock market be going over 14,000 when more people were doing without health insurance and barely making ends meet. These were hard working, middle class folks that were appearing to be sliding into another financial category. Once again, I was scratching my head. This doesn"t make sense to me: how can Wall Street think the economy is fine, when here on the front lines people are really struggling?

The answer is: Our economy as Wall Street sees it is tied more now to the global economy, and not directly to the American citizen. Wall Street looks strictly through the lens of limited human-thought. Corporations continue to grow even as the individual American gets poorer. The economic indicators have little to do with you and me any longer, and are actually outdated references to a time past.

Two years ago I stopped doing real estate loans. The reason? I had one too many borrowers that seemed to be in never, never, land. They only wanted the bad loans, you know, the 100% Loan To Value with interest only for one year. I had the idea that people wanted to buy a home and live in it for at least 10 years or so; enjoy the "rent" deduction and nest in. At least, I thought, they wanted to feel as though they could make the payments comfortably while enjoying the use of a sound investment. Something was really amiss here. So I walked away from the last three borrowers scratching my head, refusing to do their loans. I also wondered why in the world would a bank offer such an unsecured loan? None of this felt correct to me.

The answer is: Because once again, lack and greed were the prime motivators - the constructs of human mind separated from Source. Banks should never have entered the "junk" lending, but they did. Common sense, once again flew out the window, and as it all came crashing down, we can now see how unsound the banks were to begin with. When did Banks ever become speculators?

My friend required a credit card company to negotiate with her a reasonable interest rate, so that she could pay off her credit card. They refused. I got on the phone and talked to the manager. No good. I went away scratching my head, "This doesn"t make sense. Why would they not help her to pay them?" It felt wrong.

The answer is: Accounting methods. With her "asset" on the books growing larger, the bank look more solvent, when in fact, they are not. Again, actions based in lackful human-mind thought.

When we trotted off to Iraq and everyone was waiving those patriotic flags, I wished so much that I could make a new flag. One with a world on it, one that would include love for us all. The whole thing felt so wrong to me. I scratched my head and went away wondering, "How could we be going to invade a country where there is no link to 9/11? How could so many people be on board for this pursuit?"

The answer is: Group think, human thoughts of fear once again. We went to war in Iraq because, as Dwight Eisenhower warned, the Military Industrial Establishment has become fact in America. War is big business, and you can"t make money for a war-driven corporation without a war.

The answer is: Human mind will make you afraid of something, then tell you who is to blame for your fear. Then, my friends, you are easily led unless you are feeling the connection to your Source. Without connection to your own Inner Guidance, you will believe what "others" tell you is true; and then, like lemming, you will follow and go right off the cliff. The strategy is to make you afraid, and then, offer up to you some scape goat so you can blame "them".

When I went to buy my last car, a Subaru Forrester in 2003, I wondered why there was no other option for me than a gasoline powered car. It had been 30 years since the oil embargo, and nothing had been done to move us out of such a vulnerable energy position. In my business classes at Cornell, the first thing we learned was never to be at the mercy of your suppliers. I scratched my head, and went off wondering. Where was my government?

The answer is: My government was long ago doing whatever lobbyists paid them to do, because the citizens had long since abdicated to "them", their authority and power. We, the citizens, never envisioned a new way and focused on creating that for ourselves.

We always have signs that things are going well or they are not. At every instance, in that moment that I would notice something terribly amiss, I sent up powerful desire for awakening of the people; us; John and Jane Does. That we, the people, would begin to remember Who We Really Are, and take up our beds and walk in a different direction...the direction of Well Being.

I never once wished my government would change; because I don"t believe that "my government" is "them". I have always believed that my government is "us".

As we listen to the public policies put forth in the coming months, it is my fervent desire that my fellow people, the John and Jane Does of America will listen with their guts and with their hearts, and not so much their ears. Feel your way into your decision come this November, don"t think your way though it.

If you are afraid, you are disconnected from your own Source, yourSelf, wherein lies all Truth, all Power, all Wisdom. Before you decide, get yourself reconnected. Now feel the decision choice you want to make.

Words and actions are cheap and easily manipulated, this is the power of human-mind thinking when separated from Source. If you"re not connected within yourSelf, you will think "they" can save you and fix what you esteem to be "wrong". You will be easily led, and even more easily duped.

If you are connected to yourSelf, and feel the power and strength in Self, you cannot be duped or conned, because it just won"t feel Good to you. The words might sounds nice, but they won"t feel Good.

However, let me supply a baseline for you:

if they are appealing to your fears, then they think you"re dumb, stupid and can be led like a flock of sheep. If they appeal to your spirit of creativity and "can-do" attitude, then sign on, because while it might require you to think for yourself, once again, and reclaim your own power in Self, I promise you, the rewards will be greater and you will have become a true citizen of American.

The "government" will not fix anything for you; nor will they "give" you anything for free. What you "take" from them in the form of money, safety, or security will be paid for by you in your personal sense of loss of Who You Really Are. There is no greater loss, period.

However, You will, by your attention and your constant and persistent focus in a new direction of your own choosing, recreate your own life, and thereby, recreate America. It is Law - the Law of Attraction. For when we powerfully focus on what IS wanted, it becomes so.

America is the Advanced Course in Citizenship. The time to sign up is NOW!

There are no free rides; but the rewards for awakening, Remembering Who You Really Are, and participating will be nothing short of your ultimate and complete Freedom. Amen to that.


Source by Kathy Kirk

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